Split – the centre of Dalmatia; Diocletian’s palace, St. Duje’s cathedral
Omiš – tourist little city famous for its pirate history
Vodice – Vodice is one of the most beautiful places in the middle Dalmatia. It is called the St.Tropez of the Adriatic.Vodice is a coastal town located in a wide bay, 11 km northwest from the town of Šibenik, the centre of Šibenik-Knin County.
Primošten – a little town situated on the island and surrounded by 7 little islands. It is one of the most attractive destinations on the Adriatic.
Šibenik – a town famous for its rich cultural heritage and nearnes Waterfalls of the Krka river
Klis – From the earliest times Klis was the key of Dalmatia; to be holder of Klis meant to control middle Dalmatia.The origin of the Croatian reigning family Trpimirović dates from the town of Klis which gave it the title of cradle of the Croatian statehood. Overmore prince Trpimir kept there his court while king Zvonimir was crowned in Klis.Klis is Croatian duchy and royal town
Sinj –Sinj is the center of an area known as Cetinska krajina, placed on a fertile karstic field (Sinjsko polje) through which the river Cetina passes.The anniversary of the last victory over the Ottoman army in 1715 is celebrated yearly in the beginning of August by Sinjska Alka, a competition in which ceremonially dressed horsemen try to hit a small ring (alka) with their lance while galloping. The second major event centers around the Franciscan Church of Our Lady of Sinj (Crkva Gospa Sinjska) which is a pilgrimage site related to a painting of the Virgin (brought to the church in the 1400s).Sinj and Cetinska Krajina represent an interesting tourist area, and the major attraction, for which the town is known a, is certainly the traditional Tilters Tournament of Sinj. It takes place every year on the first Sunday in August to commemorate the victory over the Turkish army in 1715. The tilters, dressed in the traditional costumes, ride on horseback in full gallop, trying to thrust a ring (alka), hanging from a wire, with a lance.The tilter who scores the highest number of points (punat) is declared victor. Many tourist from Croatia and abroad visit this tournament every year.
Islands Drvenik Mali & Veli – The Riviera of Trogir extends over 24 km airline. The coastline is jagged with lots of bays, coves, islands and riffs.
Some of these islands are Drvenik Mali and Drvenik Veli. They are overgrown with Mediterranean vegetation and because of their pleasant beaches and clean see, very suitable for picnics and cruising. Modern Robinsons will be overjoyed with its beauty.
DRVENIK VELI is an island in the central Dalmatian archipelago, northwest of the island of Šolta, between the Drvenik and Šolta Channels; area 12 sq km. The highest peak, Buhalj is located in the eastern part of the island. The largest village is Drvenik Veliki (Veli Porat), on the north-western side of the island. Chief occupations are farming, viticulture, olive growing and fishing.
DRVENIK MALI is right place for those who desire for intact nature, clear see, and relaxation.
Island Brač – Island Brac, the largest island of the central Dalmatian group of islands, the third largest among the Adriatic islands. The most popular beach on Adriatic coast is placed in small place Bol on Brač island. Bol has many beautiful beaches. To the west from Bol lies the beach Zlatni rat (Golden Horn) one of the largest and most beautiful attractions of the Adriatic. Like a small tongue it extends nearly half a kilo-metre into the clear blue sea.
Island Hvar – It is situated in picturesque nature, facing the southern, side of the world that has given it all Mediterranean attraction and cheerfulness; facing sea, that gave it splendid and repeatable history, Hvar is an inexhaustible treasury of the scenery, atmosphere and adventure. Its name derives from the Greek name for island and town, that stood where today Stari Grad (Hvar became an island’s centre in 13th century) stands – PHAROS.
Nacionalni park Kornati – Drugi otočni nacionalni park, Kornati, najrazvedenija je otočna skupna na cijelom Mediteranu s čak 140 nenaseljenih otoka, otočića i hridi.
Nacionalni park Krka – Riječni nacionalni park smjestio se na najljepšoj kraškoj rijeci, na rijeci Krki. Rijeka predstavlja svojevrstan krški fenomen, koja, probijajući se prema moru, oblikuje brojna jezera, slapove i brzace. Najimpresivniji i najposjećeniji slapovi su Skradinski buk i Roški slap.
Nacionalni park Plitvice (šesnaest plitvičkih bisera) – najpoznatiji su nacionalni park u Hrvatskoj, a ubrajaju se među najljepše prirodne znamenitosti u Europi. Ovaj “biser kontinentalne Hrvatske” UNESCO je, zbog njihove raznolikosti, uvrstio u popis Svjetske prirodne baštine.
Visovac – otočić u vlasništvu Katoličke crkve, a smješten je u donjem toku rijeke Krke između dva slapa Nacionalnog parka “Krke” – Roškog slapa i Skradinskog buka. Visovac je i otočić Gospe od Milosti, jedno od marijanskih svetišta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prije nego je postao boravište ljudi, bio je samo “Bijela stijena” usred jezera. Sadašnji oblik dobio je zahvaljujući radu redovnika, koji su na plićak nosili zemlju i zidom je odvojili od vode. Tako je otočić sa svojom vegetacijom postao “mali raj na zemlji”.
Salona – Salona je bila luka ilirskih Delmata, u kojoj su živjeli i Grci i Rimljani. Julije Cezar je 48.g. pr. K. Salonu proglasio središtem rimske provincije Dalmacije. Iz starih zapisa doznajemo da je tadašnja Salona bila luka ilirskog plemena Delmata, koji su trgovali s grčkim pomorcima. Povijest priča da se rimski car Dioklecijan rodio u Saloni ili njezinoj okolici te je u blizini izgradio i svoju palaču. Manastirine su jedno od najvećih starokršćanskih groblja pod vedrim nebom te ujedno i mjesto gdje je pokopan sv. Dujam, solinski biskup i mučenik, zaštitnik grada Splita.
Mlinice Pantan – smjestile su se između Splita i Trogira i predstavljaju jedinstven spoj prirode i povijesti. Obnovljene renesansne mlinice imaju fortifikacijske značajke. Mlinice broje čak 12 malih izvora koji formiraju jezero, a sve u prostranoj morskoj laguni. Pantan je stanište brojnih vrsta riba, ptica i autohtonih biljaka. Ovaj prirodni rezervat danas je prava turistička atrakcija, a tu je i restoran domaćih i međunarodnih specijaliteta i vrhunska vinska karta.